

It all begins with an idea, until you take it to the next level. Inspiration starts coming your way, you scribble a few notes, doodle your vision…then it’s time. Make yourself another cup of coffee, open your blank Squarespace page courageously, and go for it.

You don’t need to overthink it, keep it simple. A paragraph here, an image there. How about two actually. Now, it’s time to kick it up a notch. Add a border, make it hover, assess, refine, try bigger, slower. Make it unique! Your differences make you stronger, so be bold! 




Stop Restricting Your Creativity

Doesn’t it feel empowering?

When inspiration flows so fast yet you are able to keep up with the speed and make it all happen in a matter of a few clicks? Yup, it’s pretty awesome.

Learn how to add these features to your website